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From a sitting position, bend your knees to the right and shift your feet to the left – so that your left ankle ends up resting in the arch of your right foot. Press your sitting bones to the mat to lengthen the spine as you inhale. Then with the support of your arms twist towards the right on an exhalation – your left hip may raise a little. Turn your head and neck last, firmly pressing the fingertips of your right hand into the floor.

Cow Face Pose

Bend the right knee. Bring your left foot to the outside of your right hip, weaving it underneath your right knee. Bring your right foot to the outside of your left hip, so that your right knee is stacked on top of your left knee. Internally rotate your right shoulder so that your palm faces to the wall behind you and your thumb points down. Sweep the arm behind your back, walking your hand up between your shoulder blades, palm facing outwards.

Bow Pose

Lie on your belly, with your hands by your side, palms facing up. Bend your knees and take hold of your ankles with your hands. Press your pubic bone down, draw your lower belly in and up. On an inhalation, press your ankles in your hands, lifting your chest and thighs. Slide your shoulder blades down and towards each other to open your chest. Stay for a few breaths, breathing into your chest and ribs.

Cat Pose

To come into Cat pose, start on your hands and knees (all fours) with knees under the hips and wrists under the shoulders or slightly forward. Spread your fingers and press through the base of the fingers and the fingertips. As you exhale, pull your belly in, lift your side waists, round your spine and release your head towards the floor into cat position. Cat pose is generally then followed by Cow pose to warm up the spine with a few rounds of Cat Cow poses.

Childs Pose

Sit on your heels, knees spread mat distance apart and bring your head towards the floor. Your arms can be either stretched out to the front, by your side or hands underneath your forehead. Stay for anywhere between 30 seconds and several minutes in this resting pose. To come out, exhale and roll up vertebra by vertebra, or come back to sitting with a straight spine. Use props or stack your fists to support your forehead if it doesn’t reach the floor comfortably

Boat Pose

Sit with your knees bent, feet on the floor. Place your hands behind your knees, lift the chest, engaging the back muscles as you inhale. Engage your inner thighs and draw your lower belly in and up. Tip back on the back of your sitting bones and lift your feet up to about knee height, toes spread out. To come out of the pose, on an exhalation bring your feet down, and sit with a straight spine, holding on to your legs for a couple of breaths